USD 458 implemented the Standard Response Protocol (SRP) across the district beginning with the 2023-2024 school year. SRP is a simplified crisis response that helps staff, students, parents, and first responders quickly and adequately respond to crisis situations. It is based on an all-hazards approach that uses a clear common language while allowing for flexibility in protocol. The SRP is based upon five actions:
Hold is an action when hallways need to be kept clear, even during class changes, often used in times of a medical emergency.
Secure is followed by the Directive: "Get Inside. Lock Outside Doors" and is the action used to safeguard students and staff within the building.
Lockdown is followed by "Locks, Lights, Out of Sight," and is the action used to secure individual rooms and keep students quiet and in place.
Evacuate is an action that is always followed by a location, and is used to move students and staff from one location to a different location in or out of the building.
Shelter is an action used when the need for personal protection is necessary (for example, in the event of a tornado).
We plan to use the following videos as training for our students:
BLMS and BLHS teen training video
Grades 3 - 5 SRP training video
Pre-K - Grade 2 SRP training video
SRP was developed by the I Love U Guys Foundation. Its programs for crisis response and post-crisis reunification are used in more than 40,000 schools, districts, departments, agencies, organizations and communities across 11 countries around the world. They are created through the research-based best practices of school administrators, psychologists, public space safety experts, families, and first responders.