USD 458 uses a variety of assessments in order to monitor student progress and guide teacher instruction. Our nationally normed test used for universal screening is Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) for grades K-12. We utilize AimswebPlus for K-5 and easyCBM 6-12 for diagnostic progress monitoring. These assessments monitor an individual student's growth throughout their years in school. Kansas State Assessments are another example of a summative measure used in the district. Individual scores help teachers determine areas of strength and weakness for each student. Both the Kansas Assessment and the MAP help guide teachers so that they are better informed in meeting the individual educational needs of their students. Kansas Assessments, along with Kindergarten readiness (ASQ), individual plans of study, socio/economic factors, graduation rates and post-secondary completion are a part of determining a district's accreditation status with the Kansas Education Systems Accreditation (KESA) model.
Students of USD 458 receive a standards-based education provided by the State of Kansas known as the Kansas College and Career Ready Standards. Our curriculum is grounded and aligned to state and national standards. A standard indicates a knowledge or skill that is expected to be obtained by every student at each grade level. The teachers of USD 458 use these curricula to develop, refine and modify curriculum maps for subjects taught. They add to the curriculum guide available resources, parent information, and tools such as checklists. While curriculum is reviewed and revised as changes in standards take place, classroom textbooks and other resources are on a seven year cycle.
Teachers share curriculum and objectives through the use of Canvas at the secondary level and through regular communication at the PREK-5 level through take home announcements and weekly newsletters. Our core curriculum resources are vetted through a peer reviewed process to ensure the best resources for students and staff to help reach the highest levels of learning grounded in state standards and local curriculum. This ongoing process allows for regular updates of materials while ensuring staff are involved in the selection process through validation using edreports. There is a continuous effort to offer the students of Basehor-Linwood a high quality education. The importance that teachers, administrators and board members have placed on teaching and learning is evidence of this effort by our academic achievement.